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'Lord Kitchener, Commander-In-Chief In India', c1929.  Creators: Howard Davie, Harry Payne.
'Lord Kitchener Disguised As An Arab', c1929.  Creators: Howard Davie, Harry Payne.
'H.M. The King and Lord Kitchener Inspecting The Newly Raised Army', c1929.  Creators: Howard Davie, Harry Payne.
'Lord Kitchener at Anzac', c1929.  Creators: Howard Davie, Harry Payne.
Viscount Kitchener, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
Lord Kitchener, 11/24/15, 2015. Creator: Bain News Service.
Lord Kitchener with others, 1910. Creator: Bain News Service.
'Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum', c1900. Creator: Gabriel Lekegian.
'Dix-Sept ans apres Fachoda; Lord Kitchener, apres avoir passe en revue des..., 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown.
'L'expedition des Dardanelles, La fin de l'enterprise..., 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown.
'Deux grands morts; Lord Kitchener photographie a son dernier voyage en France...', 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Kitchener; L'Illustration 10 juin 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Kitchener of Khartoum en grand uniforme de marechal de l'armee britannique', 1916. Creator: Bassano Studio.
'Surrendered Boers at Belfast Anxious to Join the National Scouts', 1902. Creator: F de Harnen.
Lord Kitchener reviewing Australian cadets, First World War, c1914, (c1920).  Creator: Unknown.
'Earl Kitchener', 1910, (c1920). Creator: Bassano Ltd.
'Watching the Battle in France', c1915, (1919).  Creator: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener of Khartum', c1885, (1901). Creator: Elliott & Fry.
'Lord Kitchener', c1910, (1919). Creator: Bassano Ltd.
'The Meeting of the British and French Ministers of War', 1915, (1919). Creator: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener Addressing Indian Patients, 20th July 1915', (1939). Artist: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener 1850-1916', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'Major-General Lord Kitchener', 1902. Artist: Gabriel Lekegian.
'The Cabinet crisis: Lord Kitchener arriving at the War Office', 1915. Artist: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener's visit to the front: Lord Kitcheneer, M. Millerand, and General Joffre leaving afte Artist: Unknown.
'Lord Kitchener making a recruiting appeal at the Guildhall', 1915. Artist: Unknown.
'Field Marshal Earl Kitchener', c1910. Artist: Unknown.
'The Viceroy Lord Curzon and Lord Kitchener at the Great Durbar Review, Delhi, India', 1903. Artist: Unknown.
'Men of the Moment', Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, Secretary of State for War.  Artist: Valentine
Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, British soldier, early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
British commanders reviewing troops entering Kroonstadt, South Africa, Boer War, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Inspecting the Guard of Honour at the Guildhall, London, World War I, c1914-c1916. Artist: Realistic Travels Publishers
Joseph Joffre, Lord Kitchener and General Baratier, France, World War I, 16 August 1915. Artist: Unknown
Lord Kitchener inspecting Algerian troops, France, World War I, 16 August 1915. Artist: Unknown
Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, British Field Marshal, diplomat and statesman, 1902.Artist: G Lekegian
Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Irish-born British soldier and statesman, in dress uniform. Artist: Unknown
Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Irish-born British soldier and statesman, c 1900s, (1917). Artist: Unknown
Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Irish-born British soldier and statesman. Artist: Unknown
Kitchener of Khartoum in dress uniform, c 1900s. Artist: Unknown
Horatio Herbert Kitchener (1850-1916), Irish-born British soldier and statesman. Artist: Unknown
Field Marshall Earl Kitchener, British Secretary of State for War, First World War, 1914.Artist: Bassano Studio
HM Amir, Lord Kitchener and staff, Agra, India, 1900s.Artist: H Hands & Son
Field Marshal Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, Secretary for War, 1914-1916, (c1920). Artist: Russell & Sons
Admiral Jellicoe's farewell to Lord Kitchener, First World War, 1914-1916, (c1920). Artist: Unknown
Lord Kitchener praises troops for their assaults at the Dardanelles, World War I, 1915-1916.Artist: Realistic Travels Publishers
Lord Kichener reviews the situation at Gallipolli with ANZAC officers, World War I, 1915-1916.Artist: Realistic Travels Publishers
'Links with the Past', 1910. Artist: David Wilson
Lord Kitchener and General Pole-Carew at Pretoria rail station, South Africa, 5th June 1901.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The Empire's Defenders', early 20th century. Creator: Rotary Photo.
'Men of the Moment', early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Field Marshal Earl Kitchener (1850-1916), early 20th century.Artist: Russell & Sons
Field Marshal, the Earl Kitchener, early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Field Marshal Earl Kitchener (1850-1916), early 20th century.Artist: Rotary Photo
Lord Kitchener's horse accident, India, 1903. Artist: Unknown